Time Is Running Out on Your Goals

By Fiction Books Writer Denise Turney (www.chistell.com)

black and white dartboard
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

It’s been said that you might procrastinate, put off pursuing goals, because you fear making a mistake. In a way, that makes sense. Should you have met punishment, ridicule or judgment in the past after someone discovered that you’d made a mistake, it makes sense that you might want to avoid making a mistake.

Achieving Your Goals

What is more difficult to understand is why you’d avoid doing what you really want to do, especially considering that you could start making smart efforts in that passion field in private. For example, no one has to know that you’re painting, playing a musical instrument, singing, dancing, writing, fishing or woodcutting for the first time.

Yet, even with the chances to make mistakes in private, you might still delay achieving a greater good or even stepping into your destiny. Just as with procrastination, you might think about, daydream about and even talk to others about what you really want to do. The thing you won’t do is get around to actually doing what you most want to do.

This is in regard to love-based good works that you absolutely know is what you came to this world to do. Why do you keep putting it off?

Perhaps you believe that you’ll always have time to do what you want to do. So, you keep pushing getting started into the future. Or you might equate thinking about, fantasizing about and talking about doing this work with actually achieving your goal.

Takes More Than Imagination

Depending on the strength in your imagination, you might feel similar emotions while just daydreaming about doing the thing that you’d feel if you actually did it. What you won’t do is leave the effects of your good work, your creative arts, you social good, etc. for others to benefit from.

After all, dreams and fantasizes are private. Even if you talk about dreams with others, another person can’t experience your dreams the way you do. In other words, you really do have to do the work. And, if you don’t, you could leave a gap. Who knows? The world might be waiting for you to achieve what you came into this world to achieve.

Whether you’re willing to accept it now or not, time is running out. Even as an eternal being, you won’t be in your body forever. You simply don’t have forever to do what you came here to do. Time is running out.

Powerful Motivation

Instead of choosing to accept that fact with fear, be encouraged. Let the fact serve as powerful motivation. Start taking actions to do the good that you came here to do. Research, but don’t stop at researching. Talk to others who’ve done what you want to do or who have done similar things, but don’t stop at talking to those with experience.

Set a day and a time when you are going to take smart action. Don’t talk yourself out of it. Just do it!

Those early attempts might fall flat. When I look back over my early writings, I’m talking work I’ve never published – yikes! I still have a long way to go, but I am so much better – beyond words better than I was when I started. To this day, it moves me deeply when readers approach me and tell me how much a book I wrote touched them, helping some to make life changes. That wouldn’t have happened had I not gotten started and kept at it.

What about you? Are you doing what you truly want to do, what you know you came here to do? If not, why not?

Go For It

Look for ways to encourage yourself. Read stories about other people who failed and made mistakes and failed and kept trying until they hit the bullseye. They really are no different than you from the standpoint that they too are human.

Encouraging you to go for it! Time really is running out.