By African American Books Author Denise Turney

The 7 habits of successful people who love their life are practical actions, surprisingly easy steps you could incorporate into your daily life. To start, successful people understand that success is never owned. When you think about it, pursuing success is similar to pursuing happiness. Both goals keep you pressing, moving forward.
Success Is Not Final
Yet, you will never reach a point where you can hold onto success. You will never have “enough success stockpiled”. So, it’s important to accept that success is not final. Also, as part of the psychology of achievement, know the specific type of success that you want. For example, do you want to reduce your sugar consumption until your body is inflammation free?
Or perhaps you want to increase your small business revenues by 25% over the next 12 months. Starting a community arts education center, graduating with a degree that sets you up for a promotion and writing books that land on the New York Times bestseller list are other types of success you may want. As a tip, breakdown the steps you will take to achieve these goals. In fact, steps-to-goal-achievement is an integral part of the success mindset.
Developing a Success Mindset
Don’t rush this process. And consider setting goal deadlines. After all, each fulfilled goal serves as a success motivation. Each time you achieve a goal, your confidence builds. You show yourself that you can go from failure to success or from success to success. Other aspects of the success mindset include:
- Relationships are your top priority. In other words, you’re not willing to ignore family, friends, colleagues, etc. so you can complete a goal step. If you do take that route, you may have a fulfilled goal and no one close to share your success with long term or, perhaps, even short term. And it’s amazing how much sweeter success is when you share it with people you trust and love.
- Not only do you know what you want to succeed at, you know why you want to accomplish something.
- You’re at peace with your goal and the actions needed to achieve the goal.
- As it regards your health, you accept that success is a choice. Therefore, you make smart diet choices. You definitely understand that good health and high energy levels are going to play a key role in your success motivation and your belief that you can achieve the goals you set for yourself.
7 Habits of Successful People Who Love Their Life
Now, let’s look at the 7 habits of successful people who love their life. This first habit is one that I continue to practice. Even more, the first of the 7 habits of successful people saved me loads of money when I published my first book, Portia. Check out the habits. See how many you already have. Also, notice which of the 7 habits you want to develop:
- Research the industry you want to work in. As previously mentioned, before I published Portia, I researched and studied the book publishing industry. That research helped me to quickly spot good printing prices, how to get the most out of book signings and speaking events, which book printers to work with and book marketing actions that yield results.
- Map out the actions and decisions you need to make to get what you say that you want.
- Forgive and let go of past mistakes. I’ve never met a person who thinks that she/he has never failed. In fact, you might have a perception that you have stumbled more than you have succeeded. Therefore, it’s very important that you forgive yourself for past mistakes you have made. In this forgiveness, you can start to go from failure to success.
More Habits of Successful People Who Love Their Life
- Keep learning. Oh, is this habit important. Think about it. The world, including technology, how we relate to each other as humans, societal laws, etc. change. So, you need to keep learning to stay aware of technological advances, revised industry regulations, changing communication styles, new marketing opportunities and more.
- Count your blessings. Appreciation fuels a success mindset. In fact, there may be no better success motivation than to count your blessings which shifts your focus to the good in your life.
- Start your day by completing one action that you’ve been feeling nervous about. For example, you might set up meetings with three major retailer book buyers by 10am or you might submit your 501c3 paperwork if you operate a nonprofit.
- Never quit. Of the 7 habits of successful people, this one is a must. The good news is, if you did your research and got clear about what you want and why you want what you want, you should easily have the success motivation to keep going until your experience your goal fulfilled.
Daily Success Habits
As with the success mindset and the psychology of achievement, to live a peaceful, joyous and rewarding life, you need to practice the 7 habits of successful people who love their life every day. Consider making the habits part of your daily lifestyle.
Also, try new things. Why? You don’t want to get bored. Challenge yourself. If you start to feel stuck or overwhelmed by the emotion of fear, add affirmations for success to your morning and before bed routines. For instance, positive affirmations for success that you could speak to yourself while you’re standing in front of a mirror include “success is a choice that I am making today,” “I deserve success,” “I am an extension of love and I deserve the best” and “It is my will to live a victorious life”.